clickfunnels tutorial for Dummies

ActiveCampaign is not only your standard email service provider. It’s a complete e-mail marketing automation and CRM platform.

When you have used Aweber for example, you will be acquainted with core features like mailing broadcast emails (called campaigns) and creating web forms. What ActiveCampaign’s CRM features offer you (Plus plan only) is better control over your contacts than you are probably used to.

But where ActiveCampaign really sticks out are its impressive automation features. It includes a robust visual automation editor that allows you to build some amazing email workflows that few various other email service providers can match.

ActiveCampaign has the principles of tags, which you will end up being using frequently to segment your lists. Email segmenting can be super important because it allows you to send out highly targeted email messages. The more focused your email messages are, the more responsive your clients will be.

Think of tags as features that you define for the people on your list. You might have tags for particular interests like e-mail marketing, SEO etc. Or you could create tags for buyers and non-buyers. It’s your decision to decide what kind of tags to make use of.

Automations allow you to create a workflow of activities that are triggered predicated on specific criteria.

If your goal is to build a passive, automated business after that automations are really where it’s at.

According to HubSpot, marketing experts who implement marketing automation increase their product sales by an average of 10%.

Luckily, ActiveCampaign makes active campaign automation tutorial creating workflow automations simple.

When you create an automation, you are first asked how you want to trigger the automation:

Accumulating your automation workflow is then only a matter of hitting and adding new Actions until you’re done. You can also create more complex automations by composing them of various other smaller automations. You can use the automation quick links to quickly navigate between nested automations.

This capability to re-use automations across multiple lists is very powerful and will save a lot of time if you are using automations a lot. You can also share automations which other folks which is also super useful!

ActiveCampaign can be the only ESP I know that allows you to test automations. This allows you to perform things like split test the time of time each of your automated emails goes out.

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